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Planning sessions are a way to group locations together in order to solve a routing problem.

  1. Click on the Maintenance icon to open the Maintenance module.
  2. Click on the List menu and scroll to Planning Sessions.
  3. Click the add icon to add a new session. The Add Planning Session window will appear. Enter the description name, scenario, time/distance, calculation and the cycle weeks.
  4. Click the save icon to save your information.

A scenario is a way to globally alter service times and time windows for a planning session based on any circumstance, i.e. a snowy day or holiday.

  1. Click on the Maintenance icon to open the Maintenance module.
  2. Click on the List menu. Scroll to Service Rules and then to Scenarios.
  3. Click on the add icon to add a new scenario. Enter the scenario name and description.
  4. Click on the save icon to save your information.

Location Extensions cannot be deleted from a Planning Session. However, you can do a Session Transfer to ‘junk’ session, and move the unwanted location extensions into that session.

Location extension data can be manually entered to add customers into a specific planning session.

  1. Click on the Maintenance icon to open the Maintenance module.
  2. Click on the List menu and scroll to Locations then Locations. The Locations list window will appear.
  3. Double click the customer you wish to edit.
  4. Click the Location Extension tab.
  5. Enable the Use Extension Data checkbox.
  6. Scroll to the planning session you wish to add data to via the Current Planning Session drop down button. Enter data, i.e. service pattern set, on the right hand side of the window.
  7. Click the save icon to save your information.

To get locations into a planning session, you must also import location extensions. This can be done through either a location extension import or a session transfer.

  1. Click on the Import icon to open the Import module.
  2. Click on the Import menu and scroll to Location Extensions. The Import Location Extensions window will appear.
  3. Click Add to add a new planning session (if applicable).
  4. Highlight planning session to import data into.
  5. Click File Layout to define the import file and import fields (if applicable).
  6. Click the import button to start the import process.
  7. Click OK once this process has completed.

To get locations into a planning session, you must also import location extensions. This can be done through either a location extension import or a session transfer.

  1. Click on the Import icon to open the Import module.
  2. Click the Import menu and scroll to Location Extensions. The Import Location Extensions window will appear.
  3. Click Add to add a new planning session (if applicable).
  4. Highlight planning session to import data into.
  5. Click the import button to start the import process.
  6. Click OK once the process has completed.

Only the location id is required when importing location extensions. However, you may want to import additional data such as territory id, quantity or day string.

Service times can be easily applied to a scenario, i.e. Holiday, and will not affect your normal delivery service times.

  1. Click on the Maintenance icon to open the Maintenance module.
  2. Click on the List menu. Scroll to Service Rules and then to Service Time Types. Double-click the service time type you wish to edit. The Edit Service Time Type window will appear.
  3. Highlight the scenario you wish to edit, then specify the fixed and variable service times for non-helper and helper routes. Service times may also be entered for bulk deliveries.
  4. Click Update to apply service time to the scenario.
  5. Click the save icon to save your information.

Service Pattern Sets can be assigned from within the Planning Module. To begin, open the Service Pattern Sets window by selecting List -> Service Pattern Sets. Also open the Location Extensions window by selecting List -> Location Extensions. Resize both windows so that they are shown side by side.

The Make Territories process groups locations into geographical clusters within your delivery or sales area. However, they are not routed during this process. The Assign Days process creates daily routes within each Territory created.

The Location ID along with another field is required when importing Location Extensions. (i.e. Size 1, or Territory ID, or a User Defined Field)

Costs in Territory Planner are calculated using driver and equipment costs. Driver wages are determined by total hours driven on a daily basis. Equipment costs are calculated using fixed and variable cost information where the fixed cost is calculated daily and the variable cost is calculated per mile driven.

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  • Australia, New Zealand, & Asia Pacific region