Advanced Planning

Optimise your workers and assets by planning effective territories, call schedules and delivery routes.

Market Motion - icon - route

Territory & route

Market Motion - icon - routing and scheduling

Daily & weekly
routing & scheduling

Market Motion - icon - real-time scheduling and dispatch

Real-time scheduling
& dispatch

icon - strategic models and what if scenarios

Strategic models &
‘what if’ scenarios

Market Motion - icon - hybrid cost v customer route strategy choices

Hybrid cost v customer
route strategy choices

Market Motion - icon - unified data

Unified with mobility
& telematics data

Powered by

Omnitracs Roadnet Anywhere®

Omnitracs Roadnet Anywhere® software, capabilities and advanced routing algorithms deliver the functionality you need to automate and optimise transport routing and take on even the most complex re-routing analyses.

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Decrease routing time

Spend less time configuring routes and more time assessing what-if scenarios to produce better, more efficient routes.

Reduce transportation costs and kilometres

Daily routes are created using powerful algorithms and street-level routing, in conjunction with your business constraints. This will result in fewer kilometres driven.

Increase resource utilisation

Make better use of existing resources by delivering more and driving less.

View fully integrated map detail

Don’t plan your routes in the dark. View each route as it’s built geographically.

Dynamically add orders

Not sure where that last-minute order should go? Roadnet Anywhere can suggest the best route while striking the perfect balance between route efficiency and service level standards.

Daily Route Planning

Omnitracs Roadnet software provides tactical optimisation of daily delivery and service operations, allowing you to spend less time putting out fires, and more time running your distribution business productively.

Quickly manage complex problems and create multiple intelligent route plans that improve safety, customer service, cost and deliver a greater number of efficiencies.


Tactical planning

Reduce time-consuming and manual, subjective planning. Quickly manage very high numbers of deliveries and pickups. Routing pass choices with simple and advanced considerations.

Increase customer service

Understand how delivery costs affect customer profitability. Manage ‘last minute’ orders without upsetting optimised routes.

Reduce fleet costs and kilometres

Plan for traffic congestion, heights, weights, and commercial restrictions. Reduce fleet size.

Daily Route Planning

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Omnitracs advanced planning daily route planning screen

Strategic Route Planning

Even the most predictable static routes can become inefficient over time. Customer changes, backtracking and off-route stops will eat away at your company’s profits. Seasonal volume spikes, rising fuel costs, sudden long-term traffic issues and other resource emergencies can all overload your driver and equipment limits, forcing you to make decisions that affect your bottom line.

Omnitracs Roadnet software enables you to analyse, model and optimise your sales, service and delivery territories – based on your unique criteria and historical data.


Route modelling

Explore ‘what-if’ scenarios to plan for growth, mergers, holidays and seasonality.

Customer service, productivity and safety

Improve productivity and reduce costs by efficiently allocating resources. Enhance customer service and safety whilst minimising exceptions.

Automate and plan for up to 24 weeks

Balance capacities and workloads for months ahead. Automate your planning, saving time and effort. Model, plan and deliver balanced workload capacities.

Analyse and act

Add extra intelligence to your re-routes with scoreboards and reports. Maximise oversight and evaluation with scoreboards, route summaries and reports.

Explore “what-if” scenarios based on multiple planning rules. Plan for growth, seasonal swings, holidays and more.

Omnitracs advanced planning strategic route planning screen
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Strategic Route Planning

Omnitracs Roadnet Anywhere

Plans & pricing

Fleet Management Solutions

Choose from comprehensive or modular solutions:

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  • Australia, New Zealand, & Asia Pacific region